Thursday, October 27, 2011


Nick Tsilimigakis, MD
1. S.T. Female 30 years of age.

A. Therapy Method:
a. Use of Device for determining patients Bioenergy Condition;
b. Use of Micro-currents Device;
c. Use of PAP IMI Device since August 1994. At the beginning of treatment (November 1992) the patient was additionally receiving AZT.

B. Clinical picture before therapy beginning: Significant loss of energy, Lymphadenitis, Hodgkin, Emaciation, Weight down to 46 Kgr.

C. Laboratory findings before therapy beginning: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 29.

D. Patient Development during therapy:
a. During the first month of therapy significant improvement of physical condition, Anemia improvement, Restitution of the white cell count to normal level, weight increase by 3 Kgr, improvement of Bioenergy indexes.
b. During the end of the second month: Excellent physical condition, Normal counts for red and white blood cells, weight increase by 4Kgr, Indexes of Bioenergy Condition to normal.
c. At the end of six month therapy: Excellent physical condition, full vocational activities, complete reduction of lymph nodes swelling, weight recovery to level before illness: 56 Kgr, CD4 90
d. End of the first year Treatment: Clinical picture to excellent picture, CD4 count 120.
e. End of the second year Treatment: as above, CD4 count 165.
f. During the third year: The PAP IMI is applied around thymus. At the end of the third year CD4 clime to 350 count. During this year, no other medication was taken against HIV. Physical condition top excellent.

2. K.H. Male 60 years of age.

A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Device for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
d. Intake of mineral traces.

B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 40-42 for two months with no response to continuous antibiotic Intaking, pneumonia carini, diarrheal syndrome.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 count 10.

D. Patient Development during the treatment application:
a. With the application of Tsilimigakis therapy and with the antibiotics being all discontinuous, during the first 10 days temperature dropped to 37-37.5 degrees C.
b. During the end of the second month of treatment patient shows complete restitution to his Bioenergy body condition. Patients physical condition becomes excellent, significant improvement to the laboratory indices. Patient returns to work. CD4 24. Complete cure from pneumonia. Weight increase by 4 Kgr.
c. During the end of the first semester: Excellent physical condition. Lung X ray examination normal, weight recovery to normal from 60 Kgr (before), to 76 Kgr (after). During all the time of the therapy no known medication against HIV was taken by the patient.

3. B.D. Male 47 years of age.

A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for the Bioenergy Condition of the Body.
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI
d. Intake of Vitamin C, Mineral Traces, multivitamins, iron.

B. Clinical Picture before the treatment: Significant loss of Energy, significant Emaciation, continuous diarrheal syndrome, excessive anemia.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Ht 22, Leukopenia, CD4 count 30.

D. Patient development during the application of treatment:
The application of Dr Tsilimigakis treatment had resulted the significant improvement of patients physical condition during the fist month. weight increased by 4 Kgr. There was significant improvement of the laboratory findings. The Bioenergy body condition got to normal level for healthy persons. Diarrhea was discontinuous. patient returned to his work. By the end of the first semester patient had excellent physical condition, got normal body weight, CD4 count to 80. Patient was not taking any medication against HIV.

4. B.A. Male 30 years of age.

A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
e. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces.

B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 38-39 C, diarrheal syndrome, weight 56 Kgr.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, significant reduction of plateless (28,000), Cd4 count to 70, significant loss of white cells.

D. Patient development during the application of treatment:
a. During the first two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, weight increased by 2 Kgr, reduction to the frequency of diarrhea.
b. By the end of the first month of therapy patient shows sufficient good physical condition, weight increased by 3 Kgr (total increase in the fist month 5 Kgr). Diarrhea stopped completely. laboratory verified improvement of anemia, Ht 31, restitution of white cells to normal healthy level. Plateless increase to 48,000. Patient got out of Hospital to receive the Tsilimigakis treatment and was receiving combinations of AZT, DDI, 3TC.

5. M.K male. 30 years of age.

A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device,
d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
e. Intake of mineral traces.

B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Excessive lymphadenitis of cervical lymph nodes due to non Hodgkin lymphoma.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Reduction of White cells, CD4 count 300.

D. Patient Development during the treatment application:
a. By the end of two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, reduction of the swelling of cervical lymph nodes.
b By the end of the first month: Excellent physical condition, farther reduction of swollen cervical lymph nodes. Laboratory examinations for red and white cells normal. The patient was taking AZT, DDI and had been through chemotherapy process without patient's organism positive response.

Notice for optimizing the method
A. Patients usually after a two month treatment, because:
1. they are encouraged by the significant improvement of their physical condition; and
2. because of financial difficulty to self cover the treatments (not yet covered by health insurance policies), do not follow recommendation and drop the number of treatments they receive.
B. Similarly, there is a problem of follow up and retrieving laboratory examinations taken in major hospitals the AIDS patients initial report and receive treatments. Major Hospitals are unwilling to corporate in carrying recommended by us examinations, as well as in providing existing results.
I suggest two solutions to this problem.
The first is a short time solution by supplementing patients expenses, for their therapy and required examinations.
The second solution is the set up of a specialized center in the form of a clinic or Hospital for the correct self application of the method.
Presently, the application of the method incurs a lot of problems and difficulties, and results in abstaining from optimum efficacy, which otherwise could have been achieved.
B. For patient follow up treated for AIDS and other major diseases, the patients body Bioenergy condition is very significant. During, many years of experience and research stages, it has been understood what daily is realized in curative medicine, i.e., many times patients with more serious adverse prognosis carry a more successful follow up with respect to others with less serious adverse prognosis. A decisive factor is the patients General Bioenergy Body condition, which does not show in the partial laboratory findings and prognosis.
If we call with A the patient state defined by all the laboratory and clinical findings; and B the state of Bioenergy condition of the patient, not included in the previous laboratory and clinical description of the patient, then patient's true Condition is the resultant of both states A and B, given by their product AxB.
This is confirmed in the above cases which show that the patient's General Condition right after Bioenergy treatments is much higher and too optimistic than the condition expected by the laboratory findings alone.
In the present situation, it is considered very important the diagnosis of Patients Bioenergy Condition for setting the plan for his therapy.
C. Applications of the present therapeutic method, other than the applications to various types of cancer and AIDS with impressive and increasing number of successes, appear to give similar results and achievements in:
Rheumatoid Diseases,
Intestinal and Stomach Ulcers,
Burning and various Edemas,
Fractures with impressive healing speed,
Eye problems and conditions,
Brain Damages,
Dermatopathy and Skin Diseases,
Various Inflammatory Diseases,
The method may provide also significant results in prognosis and preventing decreases as well as in retarding the process of aging of body cells.
Nick Tsilimigakis, MD, December 12, 1995.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Magnetic Resonance Images for Brain Damage and Skull Osteonecrosis Recovery

Report by patient herself.
Patients S.S., female, 46 years old, (1997) explains in a letter written by herself to us  that the PAP IMI device actually healed her brain damages, though before treatments she was unable to write, talk and walk properly. She provided to us MRIs before and after to prove her brain atrophy healed, which we exhibit below for comparison.

S.S. was suffering from skull osteonecrosis and brain damage. According to her, at the age of 12, the first amalgam placements caused her severe memory loss, behavioral problems, severe lethargy, "lead gut" (constipation) facial pallor (mercury glow) and cold hands. By the age 20, S.S. was being treated with hormone therapy for low thyroid, lack of menstruation (pituitary problem) and of bile salts (constipation) without any clue yet that mercury (Hg) was the culprit. S.S. made high-test scores in the college, but she forgot completely everything she studied in a matter of weeks after every exam. She was frightened for her situation and dropped her studies in the third year !

S.S. found herself being 45 years old, on Social Security Disability, with no cure for the near future, as she says, until she came to the PAP IMI treatments.

brain01.jpg (35888 bytes) 


  1. A horse with broken tenon which considered unable to run and useless for races for ever, after two days treatments start exercising and in one week was raceable with normal mobility.
  2. Horse with wounds on the knees by being kicked by another horse and excluded from races for six weeks after being treated was able to race the next day.
  3. Horse with marks and wounds on the skin from unknown dermatopathy cleared in two days in most parts. The bigger main wound was cleared by 80%. Unbelievable and spectacular recovery of unknown dermatopathy.
  4. Horse with postoperative wounds that normally would close in a month, after being treated three times completely healed in three days.
  5. Horse with spine problem unable to carry a race, after being treated twice 30 minutes locally on the back, recovered completely.
  6. Numerous other horses with various specified and unspecified conditions, broken tenons, leg problems recovered with the spectacular and unexpected short time.

Treatment of Race Horses with the PAPIMI
at Aqua Caliente Race track
In the summer of 1995 a horse trainer together with a medical doctor used the PAPIMI to treat about 10 race horses in their stalls at the Aqua Caliente race track near Tijuana, Mexico. These were among 500 horses some of which were being trained for the 1996 Olympics. Treatments were given over about a one week period.
They used it to successfully treat the ankles of the horses right in the hots where they get splints.
They also had good results in treating rheumatoid areas which were known to be problematic from long time experience. Also they used it to treat saddle soars which had caused big fistulas.
These were found to heal quicker as a result of the PAPIMI treatments without any noticeable adverse effects. The animal was able to tolerate the sound of the machine's operation without too much problem.
They also successfully treated some horses for piroplasmosis, a protozoan parasite of the blood vessels. Three modalities were used: nosodes (homeopathic remedies), the PAPIMI, and ultraviolet treatment of the blood

PAPIMI treatment for horses


Monday, October 17, 2011

Why Few People Seldom Get Heart Cancer

Why Few People Seldom Get Heart Cancer


Considering all of the areas a person can get cancer, it makes you wonder why heart cancer is so rare.  One interesting theory is that the heart is the most electrical organ in the human body.  Heart cells have a voltage of 120 megavolts (mV) and, in some cases, a slightly higher voltage.  This is almost twice the voltage of some other cells in the body.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) acts as a “whole-body battery charger” by recharging each of the 70 trillion cells in your body.  Though it’s impossible to charge your cells as high as the heart, we can raise the voltage of the cells in your body up 70 mV, or to 110 mV in the case of high-activity athletes.  In most people, you can expect between 70 mV and 90 mV.
PEMF acts like a spark, ignition, or impulse that keeps the cells charged at an ideal voltage.  Just like a car, the human body needs fuel, oxygen and ignition – a spark plug.  All metabolic processes are driven by this cellular charge: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, oxygen, nutrient absorption, waste removal, immune function and reproduction.

When your cells are sick, they lose energy.  As a result, there is not enough ATP and your cells’ voltage drops to 40-50 mV.  People that are sick potentially have voltages as low as 20 mV (in the case of cancer).  Cancer cells typically have a voltage of 20 mV and are in fermentation, meaning they need 10 times more energy from the environment.

PEMF builds energy within your cells, oxygenating and alkalizing the cells.  PEMF improves circulation so the conversion of nutrients and oxygen inside the body can occur at optimum performance.  PEMF also increases the efficiency with which your body processes and expels waste matter and keeps your system running smoothly.

With physics being used for mainstream medicine, electricity has been used to treat glioblastoma.  I prefer PEMF, but this news is the beginning of a new understanding in medicine about physics, which I predict will lead to many exciting things like NeuroStar TMS Therapy®.  This NeuroStar system is FDA-approved and in use today at UCLA, Stanford and Yale, but so far only approved for unresponsive depression.

Many of those involved are probably unaware that PEMF devices are similar to the PAPIMI® NanoPulse Therapy device used in Greece to treat cancer.  The FDA has approved the new NovoTTF (for tumor treating fields), that uses an electrical field to disrupt the division of cancer cells in the brain, and is being developed for use in patients with glioblastoma, although only after standard treatments fail.  Even so, this is a major breakthrough!  PEMF generates microelectric currents and magnetic fields, so it will do more than this newly approved treatment.

There is also another logical explanation for why PEMF is doing so much good for people.  This involves an electric charge like the newly approved FDA device for brain cancer and turns on the body’s healing power.  Now combine that with my FIGHT program, and be prepared for miraculous healing!

Nanopulses tweak the innards of cells

A method that would allow doctors to tweak the innards of cells without even touching a patient's body is being developed in the US and Greece..

The technique is still in its infancy, and it is still not clear exactly what it does to cells. But initial experiments suggest it might one day be possible to use the technique to treat cancer, speed up healing or even tackle obesity.

The method involves exposing cells to an extremely powerful electric field for very brief periods. "The effects of these pulses are fairly dramatic," says Tom Vernier of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, who will present some of his team's results at a nanotechnology conference in Boston in March. "We see it as reaching into the cell and manipulating intracellular structures."

Applying electric pulses to cells is not new. In a technique called electroporation, electric fields that last hundreds of microseconds are applied to cells. The voltage charges the lipid molecules in the cell membrane, creating transient holes in the membrane. The method can be used to help get drugs or genes into cells.

Major physiological event

But the latest technique involves more powerful electric fields, with gradients of tens of megavolts per metre, applied for much shorter periods. These nanosecond-pulsed electric fields are too brief to generate an electric charge across the outer membrane of cells, but they do affect structures within cells.

One of the main effects seems to be calcium release from a cellular structure called the endoplasmic reticulum. "In a nanosecond, we cause this major physiological event in the cell," says Vernier. "It's completely indirect and remote, and it's an extremely rapid transition."

The nanopulses can also trigger cell suicide. Teams led by Vernier, Karl Schoenbach of Old Dominion University and Stephen Beebe of Eastern Virginia Medical School, both in Norfolk, Virginia, have shown that nanopulsing can kill tumour cells in culture.

The pulses do not just fry cells, but lead to changes such as the activation of enzymes called caspases, an early step in cell suicide. How the pulses do this is not clear, but Vernier says the effect is not related to calcium release.

Cell suicide

So could nanopulsing help treat cancer? In a preliminary test, Schoenbach and Beebe used needle-like electrodes to generate pulses near tumours in mice. Nanopulsing slowed the growth of tumours in four mice by 60 per cent compared with tumour growth in five untreated mice. The researchers hope that with better delivery systems they could make the tumours shrink.

Beebe's team has also found that the pulses can trigger suicide in the cells that give rise to fat cells, possibly opening up a new way of treating obesity, Beebe speculates.

And Vernier is working with doctors at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles to see if nanopulses can speed up the healing of wounds. "We do see an effect, but that's about all I can say now," he says.

The next step is to develop a way to deliver the pulses to cells and organs deep within the body. Theoretical models suggest that nanosecond pulses of broadband radio signals could do it. "An array of such antennas would create, through superposition of electric fields, a very high electric field right where we need it," says Schoenbach.

Anil Ananthaswamy, 06 February 04, New Scientist

Friday, October 14, 2011

Electrical Nanopulses Might Kill Tumors

Killing cells affected by cancer while leaving healthy ones alone is not a new idea.  But, in "Ultra-fast shocks scramble cells," Nature describes a new approach based on electrical nanopulses. These electric shocks last only a few billionths of a second while reaching during this very short amount of time power levels of terawatts. They also are very intriguing, apparently forcing cancer cells to commit suicide. 

The technique involves blasting cells with nanopulses. These are high-power electrical bolts that last a few billionths of a second. They deliver millions of volts - enough power to light up a city, but each burst lasts much less than the blink of an eye. 

Longer shocks blow a cell apart, but researchers have found that the fleeting nanopulses leave the cell membrane unaffected while mixing up its insides. Now they are working out how to vary the timing and intensity of the shocks to make cells behave in specific ways.

Here are two images showing how ultrashort pulses affect the intracellular structure, leaving the cell membrane intact (Credit: Center for Bioelectrics).
Cell touched by a nanoplulse Effect of a nanopilse on a cell
Is this technique ready for human deployment? Not quite yet.
There is plenty to be worked out before the human body is zapped with nanopulses. James Weaver, who studies electrical effects in cells at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, says they are at an early stage: "There are maybe ten papers published showing that something dramatic is happening."
One puzzling aspect of this technique is the electric shocks are pushing cells to commit suicide. Scientists are not sure why.
One of the most significant discoveries was that nanopulses make mammalian cells commit suicide, rather than blowing them up. This is a relatively gentle way of killing, because scavenger cells come and swallow the debris. By contrast, long electric shocks explode cells and liberate toxic molecules that cause inflammation and pain.
For this reason, researchers hope to use nanopulses to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue intact. Karl Schoenbach's team at the Center for Bioelectrics in Norfolk, Virginia, has already shown that the pulses can shrink mouse tumours by over 50%, and is working on catheters or non-invasive ways to deliver the shocks to the body.
For more information about their research projects, you can look at this page or check this presentation (PDF format, 19 pages, 1.31 MB).
Source: Helen Pearson, Nature, March 16, 2004

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The PAP IMI operating principle and mechanism of action

The PAPIMI device produces pulsed electromagnetic type ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), also known as waves PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field). These waves, given their very short duration (40-50 microseconds) do not heat the tissue and are able to cross biological tissue up to 15 to 20 inches deep, thus favoring the stimulation and regeneration because they act directly on the physiology the cell.
The pulse is produced in a Plasma ROOM, located inside a solenoidal probe in concentric coils. The probe consists of a silicone tube containing air is circulated in which an electric current that turns the air into plasma. The way that gets the electromagnetic pulse makes it 100% biocompatible, because it is rich of typical frequencies of the constituent elements of air and the necessities of life, such as oxygen and nitrogen.
Figure 1 Membrane potential
The PAPIMI device is used to reactivate the cell physiology in all pathologies osteo-articular muscle and nerve, and also eliminates the pain.

The pain is usually caused by trauma, injuries and accidents of various kinds that determine tissue degeneration, inflammation and, therefore, pain. The multiplicity of agents damaging the body responds with a unique defense mechanism, inflammation, and repair the injured tissue activates mechanisms more or less specific. At the cellular level, the inflammatory state leads to a lowering of the membrane potential which, in turn, causes a reduction of the normal activity of the cell involved, and a reduction of its metabolism.

Reduces the normal transfer of nutrients from outside, through the specific mechanisms of exchange, which, first of all, the sodium potassium pump, and reduces the elimination of waste substances toxic to the cell. Gradually, the cell becomes depleted of oxygen, is enriched with toxins, and so is less than the production of ATP (adenine triphosphate).

Figure 2 The diagram shows the relationship between the concentration inside the cell Na + ions and the potential trans-membrane associated, since they are related to the health status of the cell. The device Papimi ® increases the TMP (Trans Membrane Potential) and decreases Natremia (concentration of Na-).
All cellular functions depend on the continued availability of energy derived from catabolism of organic molecules during the process of cellular respiration, the energy released is stored in the form of molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the energy reserves, readily available for all metabolic functions of the cell.
The electromagnetic field generated by the device PAP IMI device is to act directly at the cellular level, exploiting the natural ability of biological structures interact with electromagnetic fields. It is essentially to create resonances, as is now known, each substance has its own characteristic electromagnetic spectrum, and any substance interacts with electromagnetic waves is so non-specific (for example through the transfer of energy) and specifically (interactions based on the particular resonance frequency range).
Figure 3 The diagram shows the relationship between the concentration of intracellular K + and Na + ions, since they are connected to the trans-membrane potential and health status of the cells. The device Papimi ® pushes the curve from the area in the lower right to upper left area, where he represented the condition of young and healthy cells.

The membrane potential has a close relationship with the state of health of the cells. Under physiological conditions this potential assumes a certain value which, depending on the type of cell is between -70 and -90 mV. This potential must be kept constant because the cell remains in physiology.
So happens that, for certain frequencies, the wave emitted by the device is able to interact, resonating with the electromagnetic field produced by the cell. In addition, the cell membrane, by its very nature, conveys well the electromagnetic field.
The effect of electromagnetic pulse has features that allow you to restore the membrane potential, altered by the pathological state. Moreover, precisely due to its composition, the wave penetrates into the cell by stimulating mitochondrial activity, cellular respiration and ATP production.

Therefore, at the cellular level, it has a dual effect: stimulation of bio-electric nature, because it restores the normal membrane potential was altered by the disease, and stimulation of natural bio-chemistry, because the impulse is able to penetrate inside the cell, which is to restore the physiology.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Accelerated Treatment of Ankle Sprains

Medical Doctor for Sports Injuries
104 Kifisias Ave, Athens, Greece

Specialist Medical Doctor For Sports,
was born in Athens, and graduated from the Medical School of Athens University.
Dr. Emmanuilidis has specialized in Sports Injuries in the School of Medicine at the University of Athens, as well as he has specialized in Athletic Medicine in Italy.
He coordinates the Soccer Team for the National Center of Athletic Research.
He has been duty Medical Doctor for the major football teams of Greece: "Panathinaekos", "Athens Apollon", as well as National Teams for Elpidon Teenagers and Adult Men. .
He has published many studies concerning football.
In the present report, we show a method we developed by applying the PAP IMI Device - Bio Pulse Generator, for professional football players with ankle sprain, the time of recovery for the injured players is significantly reduced. The method allows the players to come back to their athletic obligations, in a significantly shorter time, which is usually before their next athletic meeting or activity.
(Short presentation is given below)
The ankle arthrosis as well as the knee arthrosis are those that are exposed to the biggest danger in a football match.
The reasons, which create sprains of the ankle, are due to the direct contact with the opponent, due to wrong balance during racing on rough surface or even due to a loose arthrosis. Football players usually during their training, but, mainly at the matches, back up their arthrosis with bandage or with self-adhesive elastic bandages using the appropriate fascia.
The goal of this research is to reduce the time of return to the match for professional football player that was subject to an automatic second grade sprain or after direct contact with an opponent had a second grade sprain.
Sprain is the partial or the full brake of the fiber of one joint and particularly of their outer portions, more specifically at the front portion which is known as the perone ankle joint. It is an injury of resupination, adduction and is mainly due to the anatomy of the foot end, because the internal melleolus is shorter than the exterior melleolus and the arthrosis is less supported during an ectropic (with the foot inwards) injury, forcing the outer sprain to accept all the weight of the load.
Fewer times the opposite is happening - ectropia (with the foot outwards) affecting in that way the outer elements of the ankle.
The sprains are distinguished according to that gravity of the injury: a) to the first grade or light sprain, b) to the second grade or heavy sprain with full joint rhexis, c) third grade with full rhexis which concerns the medium of the joint, which may have the form of detachment either from the gemma or from the sertion, either with or without osteal fragma. With the rhexis of the conjunction, rhexis of the synovial bursa occurs.
Rhexis alone of the peroneal joint of the leg if not treated on time, it may end to instability of the arthrosis. The same is true for the rhexis alone of the outer later jont which can end to relapse sprain of the ankle , which implies astasia of the arthrosis and it may end to possible degenerative arthritis.
The active athlete after an injury has to terminate immediately the athletic activity and should undertake medical and radiological check ups in order to determine the gravity of the sprain.
Clinically after some hours, the arthrosis is characterized by a huge edema as well as by a huge hematoma. After such injury, intense pain and walking inability occurs.
For the second grade of sprain the proposed treatment is as following:
  • Applications of cold compresses for 15-20 minutes at frequent time intervals for the first 48 hours.
  • Functional fasciation with elastic bandages or functional splint, "Air Castle" type, for 8-10 days.
  • Upstream place of the leg.
  • Avoidance of walking and tension of the part.
  • Pharmaceutical treatment with anti-inflammatory and anti-edema medication.
  • At least 10 sessions of physiotherapy treatments after the 5th day which include vortex bath, ultrasound, electrotherapy, massage cryotherapy, reinforcement exercises of the ankle, proprietor exercises.
Total time for gradual coming back at the athletic activities is 15-20 days.
For our pilot research we finally selected 20 football players who had second grade sprain, either automatic or because of an "opponents’ contact".
Clinically the injured players under our study, presented a tense edema and hematoma. The x-rays analysis was negative for fracture. For 3 occasions that was determined necessary they were examined under "static movement" check up, which resulted negative for a fully break of the joint.

The ankle was immobilized with “Air castle splint" and cold compresses were applied for 24 hours. The second 24 hours they received treatments with a PAP-IMI 600P Magnetic Pulser Device. The PAPIMI treatments were twice every morning as well as every evening for 20 minutes’ duration each.
The device produces:
  • Complex magnetic induction field as it is shown in the oscillogram with continuously reducing intensity during every complex pulse, with an initial instantaneous peak of 10,000 ampere-turns max, which corresponds to 125 gauss, modulated from oscillations of excited gaseous plasma with PAP- IMI method.
  • The overall duration of every complex pulse is 10 microseconds, repeated every 500ms.
  • The energy at every complex pulse is of the range of 54 Joules.
  • The average potential of the field 2x54 Joules/or 108 watts.
  • The frequency consists of continuous harmony Fourier components from 0.3 MHZ to 250 MHZ.
  • Effective penetration is 15 cm at full potential, reduced proportionally with the third power of the distance.
After the treatment, cold compresses were applied for 15 minutes and the functional splint was placed back. The edema was reduced greatly after the second treatment. The football players began light running exercises on the fourth day after the injury, with their splints completely removed.
The same day, they started special reinforcement exercises for the ankle.

60% of the football players recovered completely the 6th day and returned to their athletic obligations.
Recovery reduction time was down to 30%.

30% of the football players recovered the 8th day after the injury.
Recovery reduction time was down to 44%.

10 % of the football players were feeling annoyance at the 10th day.
In this case, the two players remaining (20x10%=2) recovered the 13th and 14th day accordingly.
Recovery reduction time was down to 75%.
Pharmaceutical treatment was not given at all.

Conclusively: We have proven that the method -by applying the PAP IMI Device - Bio Pulse Generator - for football players with second grade sprain of the ankle, the time of recovery was significantly reduced and allowed the players to come back to their athletic activities in a much shorter time and before the next weekly match.


Notice 1.
We have distinguished the injuries in four different categories
  • In the first category we distinguished the type of the injury (automatic muscle injury from cicatrices, injury of arthrosis).
  • In the second category we determined the point of trauma to establish whether some parts of the body are more fender.
  • In the third category we distinguished the time periods that the injuries were occurred (preliminary training, climate conditions, tense match obligations)
  • In the fourth category we noted the number of the pathological cases during the match period.
  • The total number of the football players that were included at this research was 68.
  • Due to the longer time of non-participation to local matches during the last summer period, because of the World Championship, there was enough time to most chronic injuries to cure. The time of the preliminary training was prolonged. So the training period was increased smoothly and there were no actual new injuries.
  • For a team that worked less hard at the beginning, giving friendly matches more sprains occurred later during the championship.
Notice 2.
  • For teams that had more matches’ participations (championships, links, national obligations) more muscular injuries and knee’s injuries occurred, mainly at the period of the increased matches’ obligations.
  • For a team that is trying to remain at one category and which does not have a permanent area of training, more injuries are observed to occur for the ankle during the rain period when stadiums are usually in bad conditions. Also an increase of automatic muscle injuries occurs after the change of the coach or after the change of the training type.

Application Of The PAPIMI Device On Plants - Comparison Results

Exposed Plants with twin Plants Non Exposed
for about 10 minutes exposures every other day

Experiments carried by Nick Vavlis
19, Maggnisias Street, Nea Smyrna, (Athens), Greece, 17121
Tel.: +301-9324370


More pictures will be posted as the experiments progress.

Sowing Peas Seeds, Day 1

Sowing Peas, X Day after
Exposing sowing peas with PAP IMI Probe
Sowing Beans after X Day Exposures
Exposing sowing beans with PAP IMI Probe

Sowing Beans, 9 Day

2. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
1. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Peas, 14 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Peas, 14 day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Beans, 17 day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Peas, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Peas, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Beans, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.

Sowing Beans, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed.
All Plants exposed to PAP IMI pulses grow significantly faster in comparison to twin non exposed plants.
Sowing Beans after one Month

Both plants, exposed (white pot) and non exposed (black pot) developed to about the same size finally after a month, indicating their DNA growth schedule developed the same for both seeds exposed and non exposed. However, the exposed plant grew up much faster, too, as it was indicated in the previous pictures. Nevertheless the new clones of second generation of the exposed plant in the white pot grow significantly taller and faster. Experiments are in progress 14/4/1999

Seeds watered by "activated" pure water
by 5 minutes PAP IMI exposures,
Seeds watered with pure water - not activated.

Activating water in a jar with PAP IMI Probe for watering seeds.

Activating water in a cup with PAP IMI Probe for watering seeds.
Beans 7 Day

1. Watered with Activated water.
2. Watered with Non Activated water.
Beans 7 Day

1. Watered with Non Activated Pure Water.
2. Watered with Activated Pure Water
Lentis 6 Day

1. Watered with Activated Pure Water.
Stays clear.
2. Watered with Non Activated Pure Water.
Gets rotten.
Hard Wheat 6 Day

1. Watered with Activated Pure Water.
It never gets rotten.
2. Watered with Non Activated Pure Water.
It gets rotten by the 13th day.
Lentils 27 Day

1. Watered with Non Activated Pure Water.
Finally, both seeds develop at the same hight.
2. Watered with Activated Pure Water.
Much Harder, slightly taller, and developed much quicker.
Seeds watered with activated pure water grow faster and taller.
Seeds watered with activated water tend to get rotten and to develop parasites, significantly less, compared to the seeds watered with non exposed pure water.


PAP IMI device has unbelievable results in the growth of plants and seeds. Bibligraphy has references to similar cases in growing of plants using magnetic pulses. The results as well as previous evidences, were not always replicable, and some results failed to work in practical applications. On the contrary the results of the PAP IMI device in plants are replicable and significant, as this is proved in related research by the Agriculture University of Athens. In addition there did not appear any genetic anomalies, toxicity or harm in the exposed plants, on the contrary it proved to be very effective in speeding up the growth of plants, even under unfavorable conditions that did not surpass the expected mainsail growth of the plants. Related results have also been found for three years in succession by the Papnikolau Institute of the Hospital Saint, Savva, in small animals that grew up and multiplied to serial generations, without genetic or other anomalies.
The Agriculture University of Athens continues the research on practical application with the PAP IMI device in the grouth of plants and seeds. Related dissertations are the most elaborate cooperation with the Educational and Technologic Institute of Pirea.
Below are shown photos of experiments on the grouth of plants and seeds using the PAP IMI device. Each experiment lasts for about 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Source :

Lightning Bolts within Cells

Lightning Bolts within Cells

A new nanoscale tool reveals strong electric fields inside cells.

Using novel voltage-sensitive nanoparticles, researchers have found electric fields inside cells as strong as those produced in lightning bolts. Previously, it has only been possible to measure electric fields across cell membranes, not within the main bulk of cells. It's not clear what causes these strong fields or what they might mean. But now that it's possible to measure them, researchers hope to learn about disease states such as cancer by studying these electric fields.

The cell electric: Encapsulated in a polymer shell just 30 nanometers across, voltage-sensitive dyes (red) emit red and green light when illuminated with blue light. These encapsulated dyes make it possible to measure electric fields inside cells.
Raoul Kopelman, University of Michigan

University of Michigan researchers led by chemistry professor Raoul Kopelman encapsulated voltage-sensitive dyes in polymer spheres just 30 nanometers in diameter. When illuminated with blue light, the voltage-sensitive dyes emit a mixture of red and green light; the exact frequency of light emitted is influenced by the strength of local electric fields, allowing the researchers to measure those fields. Testing these nanoparticles in the internal fluid of brain-cancer cells, Kopelman found electric fields as strong as 15 million volts per meter, perhaps five times stronger than the field found in a lightning bolt.

"They have developed a tool that allows you to look at cellular changes on a very local level," says Piotr Grodzinski, director of the National Cancer Institute Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer. Traditional techniques for studying disease at the level of tissues average out differences between cells. Grodzinski says that many developments in cancer research over the past few years have been "more reactive," working toward developing diagnostics for catching the disease in its earlier stages and for better predicting to which drugs patients will respond. Despite how far cancer treatments have come, the way that cancer progresses at the cellular level is still not very well understood. With a better understanding, researchers hope to further improve diagnostics and personalized care. "This development represents an attempt to start using nanoscale tools to understand how disease develops," says Grodzinski.

Jerry S.H. Lee, a nanotechnology project manager also at the National Cancer Institute, says that Kopelman's research bolsters the set of nanoscale tools that scientists are developing to probe cells' physical properties, such as special microscopic probes for measuring cell stiffness. (See "The Feel of Cancer Cells.") In the past decade, researchers have improved cancer diagnosis by examining protein markers and genetic signatures. Now they're "thinking of how nanotechnology can make tools to look at additional signatures" like electric fields, says Lee.

Voltage-sensitive dyes are not new. For decades, neuroscientists have used them to measure voltages across cell membranes in studies of how nerve cells generate and respond to electrical charges. But Kopelman says that it's not possible to control the placement of these dyes in cells. They are hydrophobic and aggregate in cell membranes, so it has not been possible to use them to study the cytosol, the bulk of the interior of the cell. Kopelman also says that these dyes might be reacting with enzymes and other molecules in cells. His encapsulated dyes aren't hydrophobic and can operate anywhere in the cell, not just in membranes. Because it's possible to place his encapsulated dyes in a cell with a greater degree of control, Kopelman likens them to voltmeters. "Nano voltmeters do not perturb [the cellular] environment, and you can control where you put them," he says.

The existence of strong electric fields across cellular membranes is accepted as a basic fact of cell biology. Maintaining gradients of charged molecules and ions allows for many cellular functions, from control over cell volume to the electrical discharges of nerve and muscle cells.

The fact that cells have internal electric fields, however, is surprising. Kopelman presented his results at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology this month. "There has been no skepticism as to the measurements," says Kopelman. "But we don't have an interpretation."
Daniel Chu of the University of Washington in Seattle agrees that Kopelman's work provides proof of concept that cells have internal electric fields. "It's bound to be important, but nobody has looked at it yet," Chu says.

Grodzinski says that an interesting application of the voltmeters will be to examine whether there's a difference in electrical signals between healthy and diseased cells, and whether different disease stages might have characteristic electrical signatures. To gauge the viability of the technique, researchers will need to "start tying it to biology by studying cell lines from the clinic," says Grodzinski. "This is a first demonstration."


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Secrets of Papimi Water

The scientific objectiveness of the energized PAPIMI water can be shown by MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging.   MRI is the most advanced diagnostic imaging technique in medicine, used widely today.

With the following experiment:
Seven identical sealed bottles with the same distilled water are prepared, the 2 of the 7 bottles are exposed 20 minutes with the PAPIMI probe. Then, the same thing is repeated with the other 2 bottles, but exposure time now is 10 minutes. 3 bottle are left without any exposure.

Then all 7 bottles, about six hours later, are brought to an  MRI Center, placed simultaneously and one next to the other in the MRI chamber to be photographed.


All 3 Bottles without exposure at all comes out        dark
All 2 Bottles exposed 20 minutes comes out             bright
All 2 Bottle exposed 10 minutes comes out           half bright


energize your body with papimi energized water
and feel the power


Liquid water can form icosahedral water clusters :
Water effects on health : References


There seems to be two ways of transferring the benefits of papimi.
The first way is to apply the probe over the object one wants to transfer the benefit.
The second way is to treat the water that will be watering the plants.

See among the numerous experiments, the substantial difference in growth with and without papimi activated water.
The PAPIMI activated water. was given to the pot with white label with beans seeds After 9 days six seeds have developed considerably.

 Normal water.   was given to the next pot with the same number of beans seeds After 9 days one seed is just underdeveloped.

This experiment was repeated by us many times and the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) with hundreds of plants and always with the same results.

See confirming letter of AUA below.
 clicktoenlarge         clcktoenlarge    

Also, see the typical difference between the plant (peas) growth given activated water (white label on the pot), and the similar plant given normal water, after 14 days

By treating water in shielded plastic bottles as shown, at then to apply or supply the water, if possible, to the object. Hundreds of experiments like this at our Laboratories as well at the Agricultural University of Athens, has shown that something is indeed stored in the water that provides similar or better results as in the first way, by drinking the treated water, by watering plants, etc.

PAPIMI treated water seems to act as the so called crystal water. Analysis and comparisons of the PAPIMI WATER and CRYSTAL WATER by Dr. Esther Del Rio is on the way and we shall reports the results here as soon as they are conclusive.
What is certain now and here is not all the properties of the water are due to its chemical composition. More beneficial properties seem to be due perhaps to a so called crystalline structure of the water of 37 molecules, which primarily affect biological shaping of plants and animals.


PAPIMI WATER watering plants develops these plants to their maximum height  from seeds several times faster.
PAPIMI WATER seem to enable the eliminations of scars due to wounds, burns, or even marks due to tumor as direct PAPIMI EXPOSURE seem to do.

Panos Pappas,
PhD Physics.



Important Notice: A plastic container, a ground and an insulated chair are required as shown, for safety to act independently of the safety leakage controls of papimi device (0.3ma new devices, 3ma older devices). Otherwise and better, you may use papimi device first and then papimi water, or the other way around, afterwards and separately.


PAPIMI Testimonials

Athlete suffering from chondropathia  after being treated with PAPIMI device 
plus chondroitine and glucozamine wins the Copper Medal !

by Dr. Nick Papandreou M.D.

Female athlete A.S 38 years old came in my practice a wile ago diagnosed as suffering from chondropathia of the knee

Patient was exposed in the pulsed magnetic field of the PAPIMI device around two or three times per week, for 30 minutes each time for one year. During this treatment she received also chondroitine and glucozamine as food supplements.

The results were outstanding, since in the athletic event  "Olympus Marathon 2007" she won the Copper Medal !


Application of PAPIMI device and antioxidants to primary hepatoma

by Dr. Nick Papandreou MD.

A 88 years old male patient came to my practice about one and a half year ago diagnosed with primary hepatoma. From then on, he has been exposed to the pulsed magnetic field of PAPIMI device three times per week, for 30 minutes each time and at the same time he was taking vitamins and antioxidants as food supplements.

Here follows a partial record of the observed findings :



Calculating Tomography
Liver tissue formation 8cm diameter

A-Fetoprotein (AFP)
60500,0 ng / ml (reference values: 0,0  – 15,0)

A-Fetoprotein (a-FP)
39,5   μg / ml   (reference values : < 10  ng/ml)
Liver Ultrasonogram
Liver tissue formation 7,9 cm diameter

Liver tissue formation diameter 52,8 mm
A-Fetoprotein  (a-FP)
364,8     (reference values : <  7,0 ng/ml)

Liver Ultrasonic Control 4D
Liver tissue formation 3,9 X 3,2 cm diameter

Liver Ultrasonic Control 4D  
Liver tissue formation diameter 21,8 mm
A - FP   
22,45 ng / ml    (reference values:   < 10)
CA 19-9
 9,16 IU / ml      (reference values:  <  39,0 )
 2,77 ng / ml     (reference values:   <  5)

A-Fetoprotein (AFP)
10,9  ng / ml      (reference values: 0,0  – 15,0)
CA 19-9  
6,6    IU / ml      (reference values        < 39,0 )
2,2   ng / ml       (reference values   0,0  – 5,0 )
Calculating Tomography
Liver tissue formation 3 cm maximum diameter

18,4   ng / ml    (reference values: 0 - 8,1)
CA 19.9  
  4,9    U / ml    (reference values:  0 - 37  )
  1,32 ng / ml    (reference values:  < 5 )

Ultrasonic Control 4D  
Liver tissue formation 2,9 mm maximum diameter and volume 9,4 ml 

Ultrasonogram of the upper abdomen
Liver tissue formation 4,75 X 2,19 cm 

Calculating Tomography
Liver tissue formation 20 mm maximum diameter 

Ultrasonic Control 4D
Liver tissue formation of maximum diameter 2,9 mm and volume 9,4 ml
NF  – kB 
  3,144            ( reference value   < 18,368)

 54,2   ng / ml    (reference values: 0 - 8,1)
CA 19.9  
  4,1    U / ml     (reference values: 0 - 37 )
  1,06  ng / ml    (reference values:   <  5)

A-Fetoprotein (AFP)
  56,0 ng / ml      (reference values: 0,0  – 15,0)

Comments :

Liver tissue formation - as measured by calculating tomography - has been reduced from a 8 cm diameter to a 2 cm maximum diameter within 17 months, that is from August 2006  to January 2008.

A - Fetoprotein has been reduced from 60500,0 ng/ml to 56,0 ng/ml within 16 months, that is from September 2006 to January 2008