Nick Tsilimigakis, MD
1. S.T. Female 30 years of age. TREATED by
Nick Tsilimigakis, MD
A. Therapy Method:
a. Use of Device for determining patients Bioenergy Condition;
b. Use of Micro-currents Device;
c. Use of PAP IMI Device since August 1994. At the beginning of treatment (November 1992) the patient was additionally receiving AZT.
B. Clinical picture before therapy beginning: Significant loss of energy, Lymphadenitis, Hodgkin, Emaciation, Weight down to 46 Kgr.
C. Laboratory findings before therapy beginning: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 29.
D. Patient Development during therapy:
a. During the first month of therapy significant improvement of physical condition, Anemia improvement, Restitution of the white cell count to normal level, weight increase by 3 Kgr, improvement of Bioenergy indexes.
b. During the end of the second month: Excellent physical condition, Normal counts for red and white blood cells, weight increase by 4Kgr, Indexes of Bioenergy Condition to normal.
c. At the end of six month therapy: Excellent physical condition, full vocational activities, complete reduction of lymph nodes swelling, weight recovery to level before illness: 56 Kgr, CD4 90
d. End of the first year Treatment: Clinical picture to excellent picture, CD4 count 120.
e. End of the second year Treatment: as above, CD4 count 165.
f. During the third year: The PAP IMI is applied around thymus. At the end of the third year CD4 clime to 350 count. During this year, no other medication was taken against HIV. Physical condition top excellent.
2. K.H. Male 60 years of age.
A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Device for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
d. Intake of mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 40-42 for two months with no response to continuous antibiotic Intaking, pneumonia carini, diarrheal syndrome.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 count 10.
D. Patient Development during the treatment application:
a. With the application of Tsilimigakis therapy and with the antibiotics being all discontinuous, during the first 10 days temperature dropped to 37-37.5 degrees C.
b. During the end of the second month of treatment patient shows complete restitution to his Bioenergy body condition. Patients physical condition becomes excellent, significant improvement to the laboratory indices. Patient returns to work. CD4 24. Complete cure from pneumonia. Weight increase by 4 Kgr.
c. During the end of the first semester: Excellent physical condition. Lung X ray examination normal, weight recovery to normal from 60 Kgr (before), to 76 Kgr (after). During all the time of the therapy no known medication against HIV was taken by the patient.
3. B.D. Male 47 years of age.
A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for the Bioenergy Condition of the Body.
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI
d. Intake of Vitamin C, Mineral Traces, multivitamins, iron.
B. Clinical Picture before the treatment: Significant loss of Energy, significant Emaciation, continuous diarrheal syndrome, excessive anemia.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Ht 22, Leukopenia, CD4 count 30.
D. Patient development during the application of treatment:
The application of Dr Tsilimigakis treatment had resulted the significant improvement of patients physical condition during the fist month. weight increased by 4 Kgr. There was significant improvement of the laboratory findings. The Bioenergy body condition got to normal level for healthy persons. Diarrhea was discontinuous. patient returned to his work. By the end of the first semester patient had excellent physical condition, got normal body weight, CD4 count to 80. Patient was not taking any medication against HIV.
4. B.A. Male 30 years of age.
A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
e. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 38-39 C, diarrheal syndrome, weight 56 Kgr.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, significant reduction of plateless (28,000), Cd4 count to 70, significant loss of white cells.
D. Patient development during the application of treatment:
a. During the first two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, weight increased by 2 Kgr, reduction to the frequency of diarrhea.
b. By the end of the first month of therapy patient shows sufficient good physical condition, weight increased by 3 Kgr (total increase in the fist month 5 Kgr). Diarrhea stopped completely. laboratory verified improvement of anemia, Ht 31, restitution of white cells to normal healthy level. Plateless increase to 48,000. Patient got out of Hospital to receive the Tsilimigakis treatment and was receiving combinations of AZT, DDI, 3TC.
5. M.K male. 30 years of age.
A. Method of treatment:
a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body;
b. Use of Microcurrent Device,
c. Use of PAP IMI Device,
d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C;
e. Intake of mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Excessive lymphadenitis of cervical lymph nodes due to non Hodgkin lymphoma.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Reduction of White cells, CD4 count 300.
D. Patient Development during the treatment application:
a. By the end of two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, reduction of the swelling of cervical lymph nodes.
b By the end of the first month: Excellent physical condition, farther reduction of swollen cervical lymph nodes. Laboratory examinations for red and white cells normal. The patient was taking AZT, DDI and had been through chemotherapy process without patient's organism positive response.
Notice for optimizing the method
A. Patients usually after a two month treatment, because: 1. they are encouraged by the significant improvement of their physical condition; and
2. because of financial difficulty to self cover the treatments (not yet covered by health insurance policies), do not follow recommendation and drop the number of treatments they receive.
B. Similarly, there is a problem of follow up and retrieving laboratory examinations taken in major hospitals the AIDS patients initial report and receive treatments. Major Hospitals are unwilling to corporate in carrying recommended by us examinations, as well as in providing existing results.
I suggest two solutions to this problem.
The first is a short time solution by supplementing patients expenses, for their therapy and required examinations.
The second solution is the set up of a specialized center in the form of a clinic or Hospital for the correct self application of the method.
Presently, the application of the method incurs a lot of problems and difficulties, and results in abstaining from optimum efficacy, which otherwise could have been achieved.
B. For patient follow up treated for AIDS and other major diseases, the patients body Bioenergy condition is very significant. During, many years of experience and research stages, it has been understood what daily is realized in curative medicine, i.e., many times patients with more serious adverse prognosis carry a more successful follow up with respect to others with less serious adverse prognosis. A decisive factor is the patients General Bioenergy Body condition, which does not show in the partial laboratory findings and prognosis.
If we call with A the patient state defined by all the laboratory and clinical findings; and B the state of Bioenergy condition of the patient, not included in the previous laboratory and clinical description of the patient, then patient's true Condition is the resultant of both states A and B, given by their product AxB.
This is confirmed in the above cases which show that the patient's General Condition right after Bioenergy treatments is much higher and too optimistic than the condition expected by the laboratory findings alone.
In the present situation, it is considered very important the diagnosis of Patients Bioenergy Condition for setting the plan for his therapy.
C. Applications of the present therapeutic method, other than the applications to various types of cancer and AIDS with impressive and increasing number of successes, appear to give similar results and achievements in:
Rheumatoid Diseases,
Intestinal and Stomach Ulcers,
Burning and various Edemas,
Fractures with impressive healing speed,
Eye problems and conditions,
Brain Damages,
Dermatopathy and Skin Diseases,
Various Inflammatory Diseases,
The method may provide also significant results in prognosis and preventing decreases as well as in retarding the process of aging of body cells.
Nick Tsilimigakis, MD, December 12, 1995.
Source: http://papimi.gr/aidssum.htm