Papimi device is a pulsed electromagnetic field generator. It is also related with bioresonance and frequency therapy. The produced nanopulses are characterized by high intensity and very short duration. The high power of the device and the unique way of function are the reasons of the wide range of applications and the remarkable results it shows. It is applied externally over the skin, by induction, (even over the clothes), painless, without any significant restrictions and without increasing tissues' temperature. In addition no considerable adverse effects have been reported over the twenty-year application of the device.
-The function of the device is based on the following principle:
<<The more the Electromagnetic Pulses are instantaneously higher, of shorter duration, and of less overall power, then, the more activation of the internal degrees of freedom of molecules occurs. These are factors of biosynthesis: the less the dissipated heat produced (which is a factor of bio-destruction) the greater the biological beneficial results.>>
Papimi device has been tested and successfully passed every trial required by the European standards and laws, and has been certified with CE medical (CE0044) by the notified bodies HEEQAC S.A. and TUEV Nord Cert GmbH. Moreover the producing company is certified for ISO9001:2008, ISO13485:2003 + AC2007 and CAN/CSA ISO13485:2003, and certified for its conformity to the European directive MDD 93/42/EEC regarding the manufacturing of medical devices.